Tuesday 8 April 2014

Street food

Weekends here are crazy as we both work all day Saturday and Sunday. We still only have one bike (we've been waiting for payday to get another one) and we both work at different campuses, so we have to arrange our schedules really well to make it work. This means that our lunch break is very short and we don't have too much time to try and organise food. We usually pick up a baguette or just have two minute noodles. This week, we saw the security guard at the one campus eating something that looked delicious! So we took a walk down the street and found two amazing food stalls!

First, we bought some triangle dough kind of things which could probably best be described as being like crumpets! They are all made and waiting to be eaten and when you purchase them, the man quickly fries them off in some butter so they are super healthy (haha), but man were they delicious!

Blurry photo but trust us, they were amazing!

Next we ordered a kind of wrap thing. The man put a rice paper kind of wrap onto his little fire. Next he added what we think was soya-mince, herbs and spices and then he cracked three little eggs onto it. When the egg was cooked he folded it in half and voila, delicious lunch! 

The finished product

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