Sunday 7 September 2014

The week that was

We're lucky to have access to lots of great fruit here in Vietnam so we've been trying to eat as much of it as possible. One of the easiest ways to do this is to drink smoothies!

Dragon fruit, watermelon, apple and banana smoothie.

The weather on Friday was gorgeous so we decided that instead of going to gym, after work drinks at a lovely outside restaurant were in order.

Craig, Michael and Mel

The problem with afterwork drinks is that they often turn into all evening drinks! This is what happened on Friday. For dinner, we had chicken doner kebabs at one of the local watering holes that we frequented.

On Saturday, we were excited to go out and watch the Springboks vs Australia game. Of course it started raining before we needed to leave and didn't stop for hours! There was flooding all over the city but luckily the water drained away quickly from our area.

The view from Craig's apartment. Rain, rain, rain and a clear skyline on the left.

Our friends Zoe and Mike are moving back to America and after doing a little road trip around Vietnam, they're back in Saigon saying their last goodbyes and ticking the final things off their bucket list. On their list was brunch at the Intercontinental Hotel and they invited us to go with. It's rather pricey but when in Saigon... There is an option for free flowing champagne but we decided that we would not make full use of this since we have school tomorrow, so we just went with the soft drinks option. The food was absolutely incredible! We ate for a full three hours before having to sit for an hour and a half digesting the food before we could even attempt to go home!



Lobster, crab, mussels and clams

Roast lamb, roast beef, roast potatoes, huuuuuuuge yorkshire puddings and veg.

Dessert round 1 - macaroons, ice-cream,
chocolate and strawberries.

Dessert round 2 - flan, mousse, granadilla curd, macaroons, marshmallows, fruit

Ross's much healthier plate!

Stuffed - more lobster!

A delicious cup of tea to end off brunch.

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