Sunday, 2 October 2016

Our week

We've been trying take photos of our day-to-day life, not only to show everyone at home, but also so that in years to come we'll be able to remember all of the details. Below is the Sky Walk – we walk along here every day to get to the bus that takes us to school.

This is Giant, the shop where we buy most of our groceries. It's clean, organised and there are people who can help you in English.

One of the students in my class turned four this week. His parents asked if they could have a little party at school which we of course agreed to as this usually involves a cake and singing happy birthday. This was a bit more than that - the parents sent a HUGE helicopter cake, McDonalds for everyone and a goody bag for each child. It was a little bit overboard and in the future we definitely need to remind the parents that  having some restraint is ok. I was just relieved that I didn't have to teach them after the party - sorry for the Vietnamese teacher.

It's almost the Mid-Autumn festival which means one thing... moon cakes! I was given some from McDonalds (along with my McDonalds and goody bag), and unfortunately they were just like the food from McDonalds - average. Luckily these ones didn't have egg or funny meat in, but we couldn't have more than a small slice and the rest of the box was given to the ladies downstairs who were most delighted.

We decided to visit an old haunt of ours for breakfast - Master's Cup. The food was still awesome and the setting is great! The company wasn't too bad either.

Before we left for our trip to South Africa, Ross planted some seeds from a pepper we had eaten. I had no hope of them growing but I had to eat my words. When we arrived back in Vietnam, we were greeted by huge pepper plants complete with growing little peppers!

This school year, we have decided to make our apartment more homely. This South African flag, and the awesome pillow that Jo bought us from the Howick Falls certainly aids us in this regard.